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About Marebito theatre

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Marebito Theatre was created in 2005 by Adrianna Kabza and Elżbieta Jabłońska to give an artistic form to their intercultural and existential search. The Theatre is focused mainly on movement and on what movement reveals as such.

Our first performance, ‘The Heart of a Bell’, based on the Chinese fairytale, joined the techniques of modern dance with performance and some elements of Noh theatre. ‘Mrs. Koch’, which was created in 2007, was based on the drama by Polish linguist poet: Miron Białoszewski. Nonetheless it was acting rather than dance the moves or let say gestures were basic means of expression. We studied how the acute sensibility of the body, trained through physical theatre, can enhance acting. In ‘The Story About a Woman Who Danced’, the acting was performed only within set languages of dance traditions from various parts of the world. Essential part of Marebito Theatre actor's training has been traditional Japanese Noh Theatre discipline of dance and chant.

We want to use the abilities of the body and voice for direct and simple expression of even the deepest sides of human experience. We are fascinated with theatre, in which the intensified stage presence, together with the minimum of means of expression, allows to pass a deep dramatic message.


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Art Foundation


Art Foundation Marebito

NIP: 113-258-92-14
REGON: 140383739
KRS: 0000247610

tel. +48 602 486 362

Gwiaździsta street  15/323
01-651 Warsaw